The Night Sky Show

The Night Sky Show

The Night Sky Show

A spectacular theatrical experience for all.

De Montfort Hall
Sun 22 June 2025


A spectacular theatrical experience for all. A journey around the constellations, stars, planets and more. With entertaining tours, stories, and the endless possibilities of our future with the night sky and beyond.

Presented by Adrian West – A passionate and experienced astronomer, presenter and author. Better known as VirtualAstro on social media. He has one of the largest independent astronomy and space accounts on Twitter.

Adrian has written astronomy and space related articles for popular online science magazines and more recently, his new book – The Secret World of Stargazing. He has also written guides and articles for the BBC, Met Office and National Trust to name a few.

If you look up and wonder, The Night Sky Show is for you.

Book now and let’s explore!

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