East Midlands – Regional Theatre Guide
The East Midlands has an excellent reputation for its theatres, from the Playhouse in Nottingham to The Little Theatre in Leicester – read on to find out how to make the most out of your visit to this live drama hotspot.
A history of East Midland Theatres
We start in 1865 in the booming lace industry in Nottingham with lace factory owners John and William Lambert – both brothers wanted to give something back to Nottinghamshire and therefore the Nottingham Theatre Company was born. £15,000 later, the construction of Nottingham’s Theatre Royal was completed. The Theatre Royal is now a staple icon of Nottingham’s culture and landscape, boasting some of the worlds best travelling dramas, opera, ballet, west end musicals and pantomime.
Derby and Leicester also have a rich theatre history, with the Derby Theatre opened by the 11th Duke of Devonshire, Andrew Cavendish, in 1975 and The Little Theatre in Leicester, opened in 1932 by the Leicester Drama Society. With the East Midlands spanning over 6,000 square miles, these are just a few of the amazing venues to visit.
Nottingham Theatre genres
There’s a fantastic variety of live theatre possible to see in the East Midlands, you can see what’s on at the moment here. This means whether you’re into your drama or your opera, your comedy or your dance – there is something for you.
What’s the best way to get to the theatre in the East Midlands?
The East Midlands is very well connected via train, with most destinations less than 30 minutes away. Some venues have parking facilities nearby whereas others in more central locations do not, so we recommend you check in advance before travelling.
How do I buy East Midlands Theatre tickets?
The best way to buy tickets at any East Midland theatre is online, and you can find all the best shows on at the moment on our regional pages.
East Midlands Theatres and Venues on Artspod
Loughborough Town Hall https://www.loughboroughtownhall.co.uk/
Theatre Royal & Concert Hall, Nottingham https://trch.co.uk/
Rescue Rooms – Nottingham https://www.rescuerooms.com/
Motorpoint Arena Nottingham https://www.motorpointarenanottingham.com/Online/default.asp
Nottingham Playhouse https://nottinghamplayhouse.co.uk/
Palace Theatre Newark http://www.palacenewark.com/
Trinity Arts Centre – Gainsborough https://trinityarts.co.uk/
Chesterfield Theatres – The Winding Wheel Theatre, The Pomegranate Theatre https://chesterfieldtheatres.co.uk/
The Lighthouse Theatre – Kettering https://lighthousetheatre.co.uk/
Stamford Corn Exchange https://www.stamfordcornexchange.co.uk/
Stamford Arts Centre https://www.stamfordartscentre.com/
New Theatre Royal Lincoln https://www.newtheatreroyallincoln.co.uk/
Lincoln Performing Arts Centre https://lpac.co.uk/
The Engine Shed, Lincoln https://engineshed.co.uk/
Castle Theatre Wellingborough https://www.parkwoodtheatres.co.uk/castle-theatre
Kilworth House Theatre https://www.kilworthhousetheatre.co.uk/
Buxton Opera House https://buxtonoperahouse.org.uk/
Guildhall Arts Centre – Meres Leisure Centre, Grantham https://www.guildhallartscentre.com/about-us/meres-live-auditorium/
Mansfield Palace Theatre https://www.mansfieldpalace.co.uk/
The Curve Theatre Leicester https://www.curveonline.co.uk/
De Montfort Hall Leicester https://www.demontforthall.co.uk/
The Core at Corby Cube https://www.thecorecorby.com/
Milton Keynes Theatre https://www.atgtickets.com/venues/milton-keynes-theatre/
The Stables – Milton Keynes https://stables.org/
Derby Theatre https://derbytheatre.co.uk/
Derby Live https://www.derbylive.co.uk/
Royal & Derngate, Northampton https://www.royalandderngate.co.uk/
The Deco – Northampton https://www.theoldsavoy.co.uk/