Sondheim Theatre, London
Suggestions welcome for children to play Cosette, Eponine & Gavroche
Cosette and Eponine under 4‘ 4, sweet soprano voice.
Eponine covers Cosette.
Girls sing Castle on A Cloud.
Boys under 4 foot 7 – very strong singing.
Unbroken voice.
Boys sing ‘Ow Do You Do My Names’ Gavroche.
All ethnicities welcome.
All children to be within an easy commute of London (45 miles approx).
UK Tour
Girls are cast locally – no further than around 25 miles from the venue.
All auditions are by appointment only.
All ethnicities are encouraged.
Girls cannot be younger than seven and a half to audition. They must be under four foot four. They must have lovely singing voices – Eponine must also sing as she covers the role of Cosette.
When submitting I need the following info – name of child, age, height (the limit of 4 foot 4 for girls is absolutely set in stone) & hometown along with mileage venue to home. I do not allow relocation and anyone that lives too far away will not be seen. The whole point is to give local children an opportunity. Please do not send photos or video footage – nor will we audition via skype or video – thank you.
Please put Les Mis Tour and the venue in the subject line.
Since height for girls is so critical, please do not make suggestions until three months prior to each date.
Boys will be auditioned periodically. They can come from anywhere in the UK. They play for 6 months on scheduled days – they do not just play locally. Boys must be under 4 foot 7 with an unbroken, strong singing voice. They must be 9 (on the day of the audition) and we do not usually cast older than 11 years of age.
When submitting please supply the following info – name of child, age, height (the limit of under 4 foot 7 is absolutely set in stone.) Incomplete submissions will be deleted due to lack of time to chase – apologies. We do not need photos or video footage – nor will we audition via skype or video – thank you.
Please contact Jo Hawes at Jo Hawes Casting Director for more information